Yemen welcomes the imposition of US sanctions on Houthi military leaders


The Yemeni cabinet welcomed, today, Wednesday, the US administration’s decision to impose sanctions on two military leaders of the Houthi coup militia for their role in targeting civilians and commercial ships in international waters and neighboring countries.

The council confirmed The Yemeni ministers, in their meeting in the interim capital, Aden, headed by Moein Abdul-Malik, stressed the importance of taking more similar steps. He said, “The continued silence encourages the Houthi terrorist militia to commit more follies to convey Iran’s blackmail messages to the international community by adopting these terrorist and threatening means to the safety and security of global navigation and neighboring countries.” His meeting indicated that the suicide attacks of the Houthi coup militia in the outskirts of the Ma’rib governorate did not win “nothing but more defeat and pushed more deceived them to the crematorium in order to serve Iran’s destructive and sabotage agenda and project in the region.”

To the sacrifices made by the Yemeni National Army, popular resistance, tribesmen and the Yemeni people, in order to abort the Iranian project in Yemen. He also appreciated the “great role of the brothers in the coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

The Yemeni Cabinet held the Houthi militia fully responsible for the worsening of the humanitarian situation, its continued targeting of civilians and displaced persons in Marib and its rejection of peaceful solutions to the crisis. He demanded the United Nations and the international community for clear positions on the terrorist acts committed by the Houthi militia against civilians and displaced persons in Marib.

The Yemeni Prime Minister indicated in the meeting that “completing the restoration of the state and ending the coup is an irreversible goal if it does not comply. The Houthi coup militia and its supporters are in Tehran for a political solution. ” He emphasized that the Houthi militia’s resorting to targeting civilians and displaced persons in Marib is “the true face of these criminal militias and their terrorist practices against the Yemeni people since their coup against the legitimate authority at the end of 2014.”

He said that “their military escalation in Marib and their attacks. The ongoing Iranian ballistic missiles and booby-trapped aircraft on camps for the displaced and civilians in Marib and civilian objects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirms what the government has repeatedly warned that these militias do not believe in peace and defy all international and international efforts and the popular will.

and review The Yemeni Cabinet of Ministers results of the hypothetical donors ’conference for Yemen for the year 2021 to support the United Nations humanitarian response plan. He praised “the generous support provided by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and other countries and organizations to finance the United Nations humanitarian response plan in Yemen.” He expressed regret for the significant funding shortfall that exists in the coverage of the United Nations humanitarian response plan.

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