A prominent Democratic senator warns of a return to the nuclear agreement without guarantees


Several members of the US House of Representatives and Senate warned US President Joe Biden not to be deceived by Iran and return to the nuclear agreement without broader guarantees.

And a prominent Democratic senator warned against the US returning to the nuclear agreement with Iran without

During the approval session for Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez said, “Returning to the nuclear agreement without clear procedures for dealing with Iran’s dangerous and destabilizing activities will not be Enough. ”

“ Iran is testing the administration. ”

For his part, Republican Senator Jim Risch said,“ Any new agreement with Iran must be a treaty ratified The Senate should have it, ”considering that“ Iran is testing the current administration, and the administration’s response will be important. ”

And Rish added:“ Returning to the old agreement will not work, as it deals with narrow axes and many of its provisions will expire. Soon, stressing the need not to lift the sanctions as a condition for returning to negotiations with Iran.

I am troubled by negotiations between the United States and South Korea about lifting the freeze on Air’s assets. There is.

Turning to the Europeans, Rish said: “The nuclear agreement was not an agreement between you and the United States, but rather an agreement between you and (former US President Barack) Obama and (former US Secretary of State) John. Kerry. ”

“ The geostrategic situation has changed ”

On her part, Wendy Sherman, the nominee for Deputy Secretary of State, said in the context of her comment on the nuclear agreement: The year 2021 is not 2015 or 2016 when we started implementing the nuclear deal. The situation on the ground has changed, and the geostrategic situation has changed. Consequently, the road with Iran in the future must change. ”

Regarding her meetings with Iranian officials during the last four years, Sherman said:“ The focus of my meetings with the Iranians was about releasing Americans from Iranian prisons and persuading the Iranians not to violate the agreement. Nuclear. ”

For his part, Brad Sherman, a Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the US House of Representatives, said:“ Iran supports the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah, and these are only the organizations that It begins with the letter H! ”

He continued:“ There is bipartisan support for the Iranian people’s ambition for a civil state free of nuclear weapons, that respects human rights and does not support terrorism. ”

“The Iranian regime will not be moderate and not a peacemaker.”

In a related context, and in a parliamentary session with Iranian opponents, Republican Representative Dan Karensha said: “We must send a message to the new American administration : You must not allow Iran to be deceived as it was deceived by previous administrations. The Iranian regime will not be moderate and it is not a peacemaker .. and it cannot be given any legitimacy. ”

As for Republican Senator Judy Hayes, he said:“ There should be no international role for Iran until it stops its support for terrorism. And I hope that the Biden administration will stand firmly against Iran, as did (former President Donald) Trump’s administration. ”

For his part, Republican Representative Mario Diaz Ballart said,“ Iran has targeted the Saudi ambassador in Washington and used its proxies. To spread violence in Lebanon and Yemen. ”He continued,“ I oppose Obama’s nuclear agreement, which helped the terrorist state of Iran without any concessions from Iran, democratic changes, or the liberation of political prisoners. ”

Tehran and the international community seek to rescue. The agreement concluded in Vienna in 2015, from which the United States withdrew in 2018 during the era of Donald Trump.

However, Iran has recently intensified its violations of the agreement concluded in 2015 in an apparent effort to put pressure on US President Joe Biden, in Each side remained insistent that the other take the first step.

On Sunday, Iran had rejected a European proposal to hold a meeting with the participation of the United States to discuss ways to revive the nuclear agreement, considering that the time was “inappropriate” for it in light of the lack of The administration of the new US President, Joe Biden, has taken any measures to lift the sanctions on Tehran. It stipulated that Iran should first return to respecting its obligations. On the other hand, Tehran stressed the priority of lifting US sanctions, stressing that it would return at that time to fully respect its obligations.

Iran’s ballistic missile program, its support for regional militias, and other concerns were not part of the 2015 Iran agreement.

Biden pledged to confront “destabilizing activities” led by Iran in the region. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also said that he seeks to “expand and strengthen” the agreement with Iran, and that Washington is also seeking “to deal with Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region and its development of ballistic missiles.”

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