The battle for PU's best Warzone duo

Adrian Ovalle
What started as healthy competition turned into a virtual civil war. Next Wednesday, February 17, Team Koude Kermis (Martin and Cody) will take on Team Vriesvak (Tjeerd and Enno). What’s the stake? Everything!

The skills of the self-proclaimed proven battle royale duo Martin and Cody were suddenly put to the test when Tjeerd and Enno won against some odds in Warzone. A big mouth from the winners resulted in fiery altercations between the two duos. One thing led to another, and the editorial staff of Power Unlimited was suddenly divided into two fierce camps: Team Koude Kermis and Team Vriesvak. After a lot of words, but bizarrely few actions, it is not yet clear which duo can rightly call themselves the best Warzone duo of Power Unlimited. So the guys dive into Verdansk to find out once and for all who is the editor’s best Warzone duo.

Lovers of our streams know that both duos are not averse to propaganda talk, to make their supporters larger than those of the opponent. For example, Team Vriesvak managed to fish into Rozenbeek artist-at-home and Team Koude Kermis was able to attract none other than Rocky Schouten, known for his work on Horizon Zero Dawn and Castcody. Logos, Concept Art and even movie posters were made and a date was scheduled.

Team Cold Fair vs. Team Freezer compartment. Whose side are you on? Let us know in the comments and come see if your favorite duo knows how to sweep the floor with Team Koude Kermis. This Wednesday, February 17th from 2:30 pm on the Power Unlimited and CastCody Twitch channel. Come and see!

The post The battle for PU's best Warzone duo appeared first on World Weekly News.