Shares, ETF, crypto: These podcasts will make you smarter when it comes to dealing with money

Derrick Santistevan
stocks, ETF, crypto: Podcasts that keep you informed . (Photo: Shutterstock)

If you want to learn more about stocks, ETFs and crypto, you can do so with the help of media offers. We introduce you to six popular podcasts that provide important financial education.

People don’t talk about money, it is popularly known. What nonsense! We talk about salary developments among friends and colleagues (“What do you earn?”), About savings offers (“Disney Plus at half price”) or about share prices and stock market news (“Tesla is quite cheap right now”). Fortunately, the latter also happens in the context of many podcasts, so that the know-how also benefits a broader audience. Experts talk about price developments and of course also about the corona crisis and its consequences for world trade itself. Those who deal with financial investments are listening to discussions about possible scenarios more often these days. Exciting times for investors!

Stocks, ETF, Crypto: Podcasts that keep you informed

Investing money with stocks, ETFs and crypto: Podcasts explain how it’s done. (Photo: Shutterstock)

However, one thing must be clear: Who as Private investors investing money on stock exchanges rarely gets rich, but it is also clear that the value of the money in the overnight, fixed-term deposit or savings account does not decrease as soon as the inflation rate is higher than the interest rate – which is almost always the case. However, it is particularly important that investors should not invest money that they actually need for other things, but only what is left. If in doubt, it can sometimes get stuck in a crisis situation for a longer period of time. Under the premise, investing is also fun – and whoever has invested in the stock market will learn something new one way or another. We present podcasts that provide information about stocks, funds and cryptocurrencies and make you smarter when it comes to dealing with money.

Podcast tip # 1: Headed stocks

When buying shares, it is important to keep a cool head. Inconsiderate and spontaneous purchases and sales rarely pay off. In this respect, “shares with a head” is a great motto that runs through the podcast of the same name. Podcaster Kolja Barghoorn proclaims “financial freedom through logical thinking”. Sometimes it’s about his own trades, sometimes he talks to guests about their trades and sometimes Kolja also reports on current trends.

Podcast tip # 2: Madame Moneypenny

Women are more often affected by poverty in old age. This fact, among other things, motivated Natascha Wegelin to deal more intensively with money. “Women and money” is therefore her focus, which incidentally also developed into a movement with various meetups. She speaks about current events such as the corona crisis and related financial topics as well as general educational matters.

Podcast tip # 3: Zendepot

Behind Zendepot stands Holger Grethe. The podcaster was tired of getting advice from bank employees on stock market issues, which – as he says – cannot be independent, but always act selfishly. Grethe’s focus is on exchange-traded funds, or ETFs for short, which are designed to continuously build up assets and spread risks. For example, he explains how interested parties can find the right investment strategy or talks about typical financial errors.

Podcast -Tip # 4: The crypto show

Bitcoin is dead? Wait and see, says Julian Hosp. He is a real crypto nerd and has made it his business to bring the topics of blockchain, tokens and halving to the people. In the crypto show, the podcaster explains everything about the money of the future. Simple, clear and understandable for (almost) everyone. Both beginners and advanced learners can continue their education on the topic. Incidentally, also on tax issues. Because: Of course, the tax office is also interested in crypto profits.

Podcast tip # 5: The financial rocker

While many podcasts often deal with specific focal points, the financial rocker deals with many different money topics – from stocks and ETFs to real estate, pension insurance and tax tips. Of course, podcaster Daniel Korth doesn’t know everything either and therefore regularly invites guests, for example Wall Street correspondent Sofie Schimansky, who reports on current stock market events and her exciting work on the floor.

Podcast tip # 6: Money the easy way

How do you manage to have more money left at the end of the month? How do you do it with your retirement plan? What do you need to know about ETFs? Which accounts and contracts do you even need? In short: how do you organize your money – in a simple way and without having to be an expert? Saidi Sulilatu from Finanztip will answer these questions and guide you step by step through this podcast course: You will learn very practically how to organize your everyday financial transactions.

Extra podcast tip: Talking is money

With all the love for the importance of financial training: Sometimes the head just needs some entertainment. Nina Sonnenberg shows how the two can be combined. The presenter talks about the love of money with the lottery winner Lotto King Karl, the department store blackmailer Dagobert and the top left politician Sahra Wagenknecht. In every episode the first question: “May I take a look in your wallet?” It’s exciting to see what’s hidden in it and how celebrities think about money in general.

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Further education: The Udacity app is a free online academy for iOS and Android. Together with partners such as Google and Salesforce, courses are being developed that combine traditional education with technical professional skills. (Graphic: t3n / dunnnk)

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By the way, this post might also interest you: Aya Jaff knows the feeling: The stock market seems complicated and opaque. For the focus on “Money and Finance” we talked about your book “Monyemakers” – and why it should get younger people excited about the world of finance. Also read: “We mustn’t leave Wall Street to old, rich men only”

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