Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform free online training

Sandra Loyd

Customers choose a service based on which company is able to provide them with a special user experience. Nowadays, these expectations are only heightened by applications that are evolving faster and faster based on customer needs. While these new types of applications are being introduced, they need to be portable, secure, scalable, easy to use, and administrable. These demands have resulted in organizations turning to container technologies and Kubernetes to respond quickly to deliver new software or move them packaged in containers to move to the cloud. This requires a reliable platform that they can build on in the long run.

Containerization allows us to further modernize our application environment and even move entire data center application environments to or between cloud providers. This compatibility is provided by Kubernetes-based conteneration. It can be used to ensure the hybrid use of collaborative machine room or cloud environments, independent of the application from the server environment.

Red Hat joined the then almost unknown open developer community project many years ago, which has now become an industry standard for Governor-based containerization. Recognizing the new opportunity in time, accumulating huge development capital, it provides the best enterprise containerization solution currently available, the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

In the introductory online training of the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, everyone can learn about the product. opportunities, assess what it offers more than community publishing, and learn about related Red Hat solutions.

Webinar Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. 30


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