Macron talks about a “world war” because of vaccines … and a Russian parliamentarian responds!


French President Emmanuel Macron said, in a press conference after the first day of the virtual European Union summit, Thursday, that Europe is facing a “new kind of global war” because of vaccines, while a Russian parliamentarian quickly responded to it.

Le Figaro newspaper quoted him as saying that this happened for several reasons, including “Russia and China seeking to exercise influence with the help of vaccines.”

The French President expressed his belief that, in this consequential situation, Europe must be independent in the matter of producing these vaccines and drugs.

*) Macron promised that, in the coming months, Europe would increase production of anti-virus vaccines and become the largest producer of them.

At the same time, the President of France suggested preventing the export of vaccines if the manufacturer did not fulfill its obligations, In the field of supplying the European Union.

The French leader indicated that Pfizer and Moderna have fulfilled their commitments in the field of supplying vaccines, unlike AstraZeneca.

In response to Macron’s statements, Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma, Irina Yarovaya, said that the talk about a world war from “no.” A new p., Most likely, represents a self-disclosure of an old problem wrapped in a new form. New in their political consciousness.

The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma emphasized that this threatens the lives of Europeans themselves.

And Yarovaya added: “European politicians have lost, and Americans have long since been, Qualities of benevolence and charity. Therefore, the logic of their discussions and judgments remains strange to a society in which the main value should be – human life, and the ideal – humanity and cooperation for the benefit of people’s lives. ”

She stressed that Russia has always offered cooperation from For the sake of good and the benefit of people’s lives, she noted that 3 effective and safe vaccines against Covid-19 have been designed in Russia, and they are considered “as Russia’s humanitarian and charitable contribution to the rescue and well-being of the people of Europe and all countries.”

And she said: “The absurdity and gravity of the aggressive statements by some politicians regarding the humanitarian achievements of Russia, not only increase the suffering of Europeans from the indefinite lockdown, but also deny them the right to free access to medical care.”

She stressed on Attempts to politicize vaccines and medicines appear in advance as a dead end and dangerous.

Earlier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market Terry Breton said that Europe would not need the Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine, because it had granted approval to four Vaccines to be used within the European Union, which would be sufficient to achieve herd immunity.

For his part, Italian Prime Minister Marr did not rule out Yu Draghi, that his country, in the absence of coordination within the European Union, request the Russian vaccine.

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