It was smuggled by Ben Ali … Tunisia recovers $ 1.27 million from Switzerland


Ten years after his departure, the Tunisian presidency announced, on Wednesday, that Switzerland will transfer 3.5 million Tunisian dinars, or approximately $ 1.27 million, from the assets of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to the Central Bank of Tunisia.

In details, the Presidency stated in a statement published on Facebook that, as part of the President’s continuous follow-up to the file of recovering funds Looted abroad, the Swiss authorities transferred an amount of money estimated at about 3 and a half million dinars to the account of the Tunisian state in the central bank.

“23 billion dollars”

It also clarified that these transfers fall within the framework of an international judicial delegation dated September 10, 2020, regarding the case of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his relatives, issued by the Tunisian judicial authorities and according to the diplomatic efforts exerted in this regard.

It is noteworthy that last September, President Said announced the formation of a committee of the presidency to deal with the file of looted funds deposited abroad, during the rule of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

As for Tunisian organizations estimated funds abroad at around 23 million $ R

On January 19, 2011, five days after the escape of President Ben Ali, who was toppled by a popular uprising, the Swiss Federal Council ordered the freezing of the assets of Ben Ali and his circles in Switzerland on January 19, 2011.

There is a large part of these assets frozen in two lines: on the one hand, by order of the Federal Council (the first level), and on the other hand, through the freezing procedures ordered by the judicial cooperation authorities (the second level).

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