ENS: domain name service reaches Ethereum layer 2

Sandra Loyd

ENS, or Ethereum name service, is a technology that allows the use of custom names or even web domains instead of wallet addresses. This function is operational within the main cryptocurrency network, but, recently, it has been announced that the first steps are being taken to start operating in layer 2 applications, specifically with the rollups Optimistic.

The announcement of these first steps of the implementation was made days ago through the official ENS Twitter. In the thread of the statement, the improvement developed by the programmer Nick Johnson, founder and leader of the ENS project, was announced. This first stage is already a viable minimum product, in which developers can begin to work for new implementations.

Based on the above, within the ENS blog , where more detail is given about the launch of this proposal, the source code that allows developers to run this implementation , and test it on their own, was also published

The proposal, in this first stage, is based on an algorithm that allows layer 2 DApps to communicate with the main network. To do this, a gateway is established, which communicates the smart contracts within the main network and layer 2. In this way, it will be possible to know the data stored in layer 2, translate it, and return the domain name of the corresponding address.

The advantage of this model of ENS network architecture is that it would not require any type of change in the algorithms either within the core network or layer 2.

The rollups Optimistics, used by ENS, are not the only rollups or Layer 2 scalability solutions out there. Other of these implementations are the ZK-rollups or Arbitrum. These and other second-layer solutions have already been put to the test in an investigation led by Kyber Network on the different rollups on the market, as reported by CriptoNoticias at the time. In it, it was highlighted that the Optimistic allow the full use of the EVM or Ethereum virtual machine , which translates into full compatibility with smart contracts, a fundamental piece for the operation of the ENS .

Finally, within the Twitter thread, the following steps for the final implementation were announced, among which are: generate a generic standard, specifications to use said standard, receive feedback from the community and carry out the specifications to production by the end of the year.

The scheme presented by Nick Johnson establishes a gateway, which acts as a translator between the main network and Layer 2 of Et hereum. Source: Youtube.

What does the ENS mean in Ethereum Layer 2

ENS is a service which allows users to place names in place of wallet addresses. Of course, the operation does not remain stagnant there, since it also allows storing information such as web page domains, thus turning ENS services into a decentralized counterpart of DNS.

In this regard, and with the growth of Ethereum layer 2, as a solution to the scalability problem. It becomes a very good opportunity for developers to have features that inhabit the main Ethereum network, directly on layer 2 natively. This allows DApps, both from the main network and the second layer, to interact using ENS without changes in their algorithms.

Scalability in Ethereum rollups

Lo rollups In short, they have been presented as a real solution to the problems of congestion and scalability that the Ethereum network currently suffers. For example, projects such as the exchange DeFi dYdX have implemented ZK-rollups for their market for exchanges of perpetual cryptocurrency contracts, thus reducing operating expenses produced by high commissions coupled with an exponential lowering in waiting times.

The post ENS: domain name service reaches Ethereum layer 2 appeared first on World Weekly News.