Attention: Magyar Posta is disguised as an even more vile mailer

Sandra Loyd

The National Cyber ​​Defense Institute has received several reports of virus-spreading e-mails that use the image elements of Magyar Posta to deceive the recipient.

In the letter After you open the link in the link, a compressed file is downloaded to the recipient’s device that contains a variant of a so-called AgentTesla Trojan virus with an .exe extension. AgentTesla is an information-gathering spyware that can monitor keystrokes, among other things.

The Cyber ​​Defense Institute recommends that anyone who receives this and similar phishing emails should not click on the links in the email. , which require you to download unknown files or provide login, personal, or other information. It is recommended that the recipients always search the official website of the company or organization concerned and check the authenticity of the message received by logging in there. The veracity of the message can also be verified through the contact details available on the official information surfaces of the company or organization concerned

If a suspicious letter arrives in your work email account, it is recommended to mark it as a spam message. , and notify the organization’s information security officer or administrator.

Phishing messages may include attachments (such as a Microsoft Word document or a compressed .iso or .pdf file). It is recommended that these should not be opened or downloaded by the recipients.

Phishing can be reported to, or on the ​​website.

Attention was drawn to the fact that the language of the letter differs from the usual official formula and that the address may already give rise to suspicion. He added that the sender usually uses an e-mail address belonging to a foreign service provider, and it does not belong to the post office even though the text Magyar Posta appears in the sender’s bar.

Repeated: for messages arriving in the mailbox you should always make sure that the email address is indeed the official address of the organization marked as the sender and that the link actually redirects to the organization’s page. In order to prevent an attack, it is also recommended to check in all cases that the notification has actually been received from the parcel service provider from which the parcel is expected.

Police have advised users not to click on links that which require you to download files or provide personal or credit card information. If the download of a file starts immediately with a random click, do not open it, but delete it immediately – they wrote on

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