According to the clubhouse community, employees want these benefits from their bosses

Sandra Loyd

each Company wants happy employees. But what do the employees want? (Photo: Shutterstock)

How can bosses show their employees appreciation – regardless of salary? We asked the clubhouse community and collected ideas.

From the training budget to free cleaning assistance – not only the paycheck determines the satisfaction of employees in a company. In the corona pandemic, money for salary increases is also scarce in many places. What kind of benefits do the employees want? Does a yoga course really add value or is it just a waste of money for the company?

That is exactly what we, the clubhouse community, have in our weekly talk format asked. Every Friday morning we discuss relevant, relaxed and entertaining topics relating to the world of work. Sometimes we collect business book recommendations, sometimes we talk about productivity hacks – this week we talked about benefits for employees.


An important corporate benefit, which was mentioned at the very beginning of our clubhouse talk, is the home office. More and more employees want the opportunity to work from home or elsewhere, regardless of the pandemic. This flexibility to work the way the respective employee wants and needs is not only a simple benefit, but also expresses: “I trust you and your work.” And which employee does not want unlimited support from their superiors?

A benefit, which was also mentioned in this context, is the right equipment for the home office. At first it sounds logical that the employer is responsible for the right work equipment and an ergonomic workplace. However, reality shows that most people in the home office sit on a simple kitchen chair. A standing desk, a good chair and adequate lighting not only make you happier, they also promote health.


Speaking of health: Many of the benefits mentioned in the clubhouse round help maintain the physical health of employees. For example, praise was given when a company paid employees a physiotherapist or masseur. The assumption of costs for the gym, yoga courses and other sporting activities is also gladly accepted. A joint corporate running group can also be a nice thing: The employees not only increase their fitness, they also strengthen their team spirit.

Fitness in the home office can also be supported by employers. (Photo: Shutterstock)

But a boss can also do something for the mental health of employees. Measures are, for example, anti-stress coaching, which is offered by some health insurance companies, or a membership for a meditation app such as Headspace or 7mind.


Even if the corona pandemic restricts our mobility enormously, it is an important one Topics with which companies can make their employees happier in everyday life through support, as the discussion at Clubhouse has shown. The community’s wishes range from a company car – as an electric car, of course – to a subsidy for local public transport. A benefit that was also popular and which combines the topics of mobility and health: participation in a leasing program for bicycles such as Jobbike. The employees benefit from substantial tax savings and also come to work and back fit and environmentally friendly.

Further development and further training

It is standard in many companies, but not yet in some, so the promotion of professional training and personal development can be a nice one Be an incentive for employees. Because members of the clubhouse community also want more support here or appreciate the offers they have. The suggestions range from more budget for external training to the promotion of mentoring programs and professional coaching. One community member says: “It’s a shame that coaching is often reserved for the C-level. All employees could benefit from it. “That’s right.

Leisure offers

But with all the training, further development and flexibility in everyday working life, which mainly contribute to job satisfaction, one important aspect of employee life should not be ignored: leisure ! Because even a relaxed leisure time can be supported by bosses. A good bottle of wine, a food basket or a whole gourmet menu – many employees like to enjoy good food after work. But cultural offers can also be a nice appreciation. In many cities, for example, there is a culture pass that allows you to visit various museums and cultural sites for a small thaler – provided the lockdown ends, of course.

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But not only the more of something can be an enormous benefit for employees and be an employee. Also taking care of the less of something can earn a superior the title of “boss of the hour”. If companies take care of childcare for their employees, for example, that means less of their own care services – and often significantly better nerves among colleagues. According to the community, we are also happy, for example, when employees have to worry less about their own household because the company sponsors a weekly cleaner. Sounds logical: When employees have less everyday stress, they are also more balanced at work.

Home office with a child can be extremely stressful. So why not provide support? (Photo: nazarovsergey / shutterstock)

Of course, all these benefits mean additional costs for a company and they have to be earned first become. However, these added values ​​are still significantly cheaper for employees compared to a salary increase due to tax savings. And the organizational effort does not always have to be immeasurably high for a company. Thanks to various platforms and tools such as Belonio, benefits can be managed quite easily.

What matters is honest appreciation

A company can only find out which benefits actually offer added value for employees if it asks its own employees. But one thing has become clear with all the good contributions, suggestions and requests from the community: If a company shows its employees honest appreciation and gratitude for their work, this is always gladly accepted.

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The post According to the clubhouse community, employees want these benefits from their bosses appeared first on World Weekly News.