Whether India really got a new economic weapon during Covid-19 Economic Crisis: Deepak Sharma
Different Rumours Lies In Between Economic Professional In Regard Of World’s Third And Upcoming Economic Idea Called As Personnel Economics (H. R. Economics), Versus The Industrialism And Communism Economic System.
Whether India really got a new economic weapon during Covid-19 Economic Crisis (Image Credit: Submit Image)
New Delhi:
An Economic/ financial proposition sent prior to Govt. of India, of 15 trillion dollar worth, crossed 5 trillion dollars GDP target till 2024-25 , consisting of a minimum of 1 trillion worth with in next 8-9 month duration and a plan for 10 crores work generation program.
Different rumours lies in between economic professional in regard of world’s approaching and 3rd Economic principle called as Personnel Economics (H. R. Economics), versus the commercialism and communism economicsystem Now all rumours appear to be wind up after sending a financial proposition for 15 trillion dollar with hundred million( 10 crores) work generation strategy consisting of one trillion dollar protected bond in favour of Union of India with in next 8-9 month time period, aforementioned proposition has actually been developed by utilizing the different tools of H. R. Economics.
Mr. Deepak Sharma likewise called daddy of H.R. Economics verified that financial proposition on behalf of HR economics of 15 trillion dollar, has actually been sent prior to P.M.O financing minister and chief economic consultant, Mr. Sharma asked for to P.M.O, Financing Minister to confirm the proposition through forming an Economic Professional Committee immediately. During cross questioning about financial exposure and dependability of aforementioned proposition, Mr Deepak Sharma guaranteed all economic professionals and Govt. of India, that all information in aforementioned proposition are practical, trustworthy, and practical are according to H.R. Economic design and problem of evidence to show the aforementioned proposition exist on his shoulder. Mr Sharma speaking with News Country about H.R Economic design (2014), explain the H.R Economic system, he stated aforesaid Economic system is next generation Economic System, having intellectual ability to assess the personnel and capable to assess to transform the approximated assessment into financial funds. He likewise declares that HR economic design is capable to run accounting and Economic basic concurrently.
For That Reason, H.R. Economic design (2014) appears to be next generation Economic system versus previous economic system as commercialism, socialism, communism and blended economy.
Deepak Sharma called daddy of HR economics explains the commercialism is an economic system based upon the private ownership of methods of production and their operation for earnings. While on the other hand communism is a political social and economic approach composing series of economic and social system defined by social ownership of the methods of production and employee self-management of business.
After presented the aforementioned proposition, now different concerns about Economic subject exists prior to economic expert around the world consisting of federal government of India, whether the primary concept, tools, and system of H.R. Economics capable to please the economics concept, if yes it needs to be best economic weapon for Indian economy and Human kind likewise to be got benefited itself.
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First Released: 08 May 2020, 09: 55: 37 PM
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