Washington politicians are now the most wanted by bitcoin companies

Sandra Loyd

A situation unthinkable until a few years ago is occurring more frequently in the bitcoiner ecosystem. Companies linked to bitcoin (BTC) are hiring Washington politicians for regulatory “advice” and command their new corporate projects.

Two cases are striking as they occurred practically at the same time. The first is that of the bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Binance, which announced on Thursday, March 11, the addition of former Senator Max Baucus as a policy and government relations advisor.

Baucus is a 79-year-old political veteran. Years he has served on the Senate finance, tax, environment and public works committees. He was also the United States ambassador to China between 2014 and 2017, during Barack Obama’s second term as president of the country.

The arrival of Baucus could be interpreted as a decision of the exchange house to “pull the strings” , in the upper echelons of power, and achieve its entry into the US market. His hiring occurs just when the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the CFTC, is investigating alleged Binance operations in the country without the necessary permits.

The second case is that of Jim Messina who is already part of the board of directors of Blockchain Luxembourg (blockchain.com), one of the oldest companies in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Messina is known in Washington because he was part of Obama’s campaign team in 2012 and later was deputy chief of staff in the White House.

bitcoin estados unidos ley
Some bitcoin companies are looking to connect with spheres of power in the capital of the United States. Source: Susan Sterner / Wikipedia

Peter Smith, CEO and co-founder of Blockchain Luxembourg, justified the hiring of Messina by saying that not only are leaders with experience in technology, finance or cryptography needed, but also “leaders who help us educate and evangelize industry benefits to policy makers, regulators, governments and the general public. “

Smith’s claim suggests that the company would also” lobby »Or lobbying, for example, legislators or regulatory agencies in various parts of the world. Companies have made these decisions at a time when cryptocurrencies are growing, something that is evident in the markets and the increase in institutional investments.

bitcoin “being advised” by politicians

The decisions of Binance and Blockchain Luxembourg, to name the most recent, have been ironic on social networks. From the Twitter account, @DocumentingBTC, the message is oriented to how the growth of Bitcoin is changing some standards.

«Bitcoin has reached the point where exchanges are hiring former United States senators to advise them on regulation. Max Baucus is now an advisor to Binance and @cz_binance. We went from worrying about ‘will politicians ban bitcoin? What politicians should we hire for bitcoin? ”, was published on the social network.

In the case of blockchain.com , the company made Messina’s hiring public last Wednesday, March 10 , through a message on Twitter. The company welcomed the executive, but his followers did not follow the greeting and criticized the platform for problems they have to withdraw funds.

In the past some companies related to bitcoin have even opened offices in Washington. CriptoNoticias reported in October 2019 that the company Ripple, issuer of XRP, opened a workspace in the capital of the United States.

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