The “time for Bitcoin” has arrived for Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico

Sandra Loyd

A massive Bitcoin (BTC) dissemination campaign was launched this January 28, 2021 simultaneously in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, with the name It’s time for Bitcoin. Includes, among other actions, advertisements on the streets and on public transportation.

«It is a guerrilla marketing strategy where everyone can take part by pasting stickers and tweeting with the hashtag # eshoradebitcoin », said Rodolfo Andragnes, a reference in the region, when consulted by CriptoNoticias. He clarified that «it is a move by the Latin American bitcoiner community and not by someone in particular».

«The idea comes from the middle of last year and long before the entire rise . But, for different reasons, it was not done until at the end of 2020, some interest in supporting the project and making the first contributions emerged, “added Andragnes.

As explained by this specialist in advertising and business administration, “although it was born centrally coordinated, the idea is that each one appropriates and expands it, and that more people contribute so that more and more actions can be taken in all countries ».

Bitcoin is promoted on posters, buses and airplanes

In the case of Argentina, It is time for Bitcoin will include advertisements on bus lunettes, posters on public roads, murals, T-shirts and a plane that will visit seaside resorts in coastal towns. “In Chile, Mexico and Colombia there are also posters and people joining in to look for more spaces,” Andragnes said, adding that in Guatemala there are people raising funds to in iciate similar actions.

This referent of the bitcoiner community in the South American country explained that “the objective is to speak to those who have heard about Bitcoin but have not yet decided.”

It is a message with a sense of urgency, with the aim of awakening interest in people without any commercial purpose.

Rodolfo Andragnes, president of the NGO Bitcoin Argentina.

«It’s Bitcoin Time »Includes street signs, public transportation advertisements, T-shirts and murals. Source:

This guerrilla strategy does not have a date of pre-established completion. «As there are different media, each one has its duration, so it is difficult to know how long it will last, but the idea is that it flows naturally and that there are more people throughout the region doing things, ”Andragnes said.

A website and a hashtag for unify efforts

With In relation to the hashtag # eshoradebitcoin , the president of the aforementioned NGO reported that “he intends to accompany all kinds of articles or situations that show that the current monetary system has its days numbered, is unfair or abusive. At the time of writing this article, with the campaign in its first hours, more than 30 posts on Twitter already included # eshoradebitcoin.

The website was specially developed for the occasion and its address can be found in all the graphic material of the campaign. It explains characteristics of Satoshi Nakamoto’s creation, including its limited broadcast, its resistance to censorship, its security and the fact that everyone can use it.

All the graphic material of the dissemination campaign includes the address of the website specially developed for the occasion. Source:

This portal includes printable images, an address to make donations and a link to Bitcoin Study , space with resources in Spanish to start and deepen on the pioneer cryptocurrency.

CriptoNoticias reported other guerrilla campaigns for the dissemination of Bitcoin such as, for example, the one carried out by the German collective Ideas are like Flames in mid-2020. In it, the organization rewarded with some satoshis (minimum unit of BTC) to those who stuck certain stickers with pro-Bitcoin phrases and demonstrated it by sending a photograph.

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