The numbers doubled in Oman's hospitals .. Dozens of people were infected with mutations


The Omani Minister of Health, Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Obaid Al-Saeedi, confirmed today, Monday, that the number of hospitalizations due to Corona has doubled in less than two weeks, indicating that 6 cases of mutated corona have been confirmed and an initial suspicion of 96 people being infected with the mutated strain.

He pointed out that the decision to close the Sultanate would not be taken easily, and “we hope that we will not reach the closure and imposition of the ban.”

He explained that controlling the air ports is easier than the land ports in terms of the possibility of work Checks at air ports before and after arrival and following up on isolation cases.

Closing land ports

The Sultanate of Oman was yesterday On Sunday, it announced that it had extended the closure of the land ports until February 8, after it received 100,000 doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine from India.

In the middle of this month, the Sultanate closed the land ports for a week, and said at the time that it had been observed. An increasing number of citizens and residents are complacent in adhering to the precautionary measures adopted, especially not wearing a mask and holding gatherings with large numbers of people for social events in tents, which may cause an outbreak

The Sultanate uses the Pfizer-Biontec vaccine in the vaccination campaign.

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