The government on Friday announced that a “limited” lockdown, including suspension of inter-state travel, air and train services, will continue to remain in force for another two weeks throughout the country from May 4 but some activities would be allo...

New Delhi: The government on Friday announced that a “limited” lockdown, including suspension of inter-state travel, air and train services, will continue to remain in force for another two weeks throughout the country from May 4 but some activities would be allowed after classifying areas into Red, Orange and Green zones. The government order, which […]

The post The government on Friday announced that a “limited” lockdown, including suspension of inter-state travel, air and train services, will continue to remain in force for another two weeks throughout the country from May 4 but some activities would be allowed after classifying areas into Red, Orange and Green zones. appeared first on World Weekly News.

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WWE considered ‘important business’ by Orange County mayor

With WWE set to resume live tapings of its tv programs as the guv for Florida has actually stated the promo to be an “essential” business. While there is a lot of criticism coming WWE’s method for continuing to host occasions throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and now set to resume a live programs schedule, the […]

The post WWE considered ‘important business’ by Orange County mayor appeared first on World Weekly News.

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