Film bodies request CM Uddhav Thackeray to allow post production, and set building during 15 day curfew

A 15-day janta curfew has been imposed in the state of Maharashtra which began on the night of April 14. Amidst this, several film bodies like IMPPA, IFTDA, FWICE, and CINTAA have written to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra requesting a few permissions and initiatives that be allowed during the ongoing janta curfew. During the…

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Coronavirus: New Jersey police find 18 bodies at care home’s ‘makeshift morgue’

The bodies of 18 people have actually been discovered at a care home in New Jersey. Police found 5 bodies on Sunday and a more 13 the following day after getting a confidential idea that the home was keeping a body outside, according to Andover Municipality Police chief Eric Danielson. The 13 bodies were discovered […]

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Coronavirus: New York could temporarily bury bodies in park because morgues nearly full

New York has actually revealed it is most likely to start temporarily burying victims of coronavirus in a park because the city’s morgues are practically full. The chairman of the city board health committee stated morgues were now handling “the equivalent of an ongoing 9/11” as COVID-19 spread. “Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets […]

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