“Sport makes you more resilient at work” – Tobias Haupt from the DFB Academy
Tobias Haupt has headed the Academy of the German Football Association (DFB) since October 2018. The trained sports manager and economist is a pioneer in terms of content for coaches, players and experts of the German national teams. In the competence center he works together with the top decision-makers on the future of German football. The aim is to provide the best possible training and further education for key positions in German football. Haupt himself is crazy about sports, he says in the “5 things I can’t work without” series. Regular sport makes the job more efficient and resilient.
5 things I can’t work without: Tobias Haupt from the DFB Academy
1. Digital detox as a start into the day: For me, a successful work day always starts with muesli and fruit – but without a smartphone or laptop. This combination of a healthy breakfast and consciously avoiding digital distractions is my secret of success in order to start the day with a lot of energy and a clear focus. The rest of the day I use a number of sports and news apps quite intensively to stay informed about the world of sports at all times. My entire office is now digital. It is all the more important to me to start the day analogously and with a certain deceleration.
2. My great team: Both professionally and personally – my team at the DFB Academy is an essential success factor for me, without which I cannot work could. My goal is to bring together the best people, who are better than myself in every single area. In their decision-making processes, I give my employees a lot of freedom and the space to shine. Because in addition to humility and passion, from my point of view, modern leadership requires the willingness to take a step back for your team. But also to go ahead, make courageous decisions and turn your head for your team in troubled times. I think like Jürgen Klopp, who said in the “Everyday Leadership Podcast” of the DFB Academy: “I feel 100 percent responsible for a defeat. If you win: It’s nice that I was there. “
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3. Coffee breaks: Working days can sometimes last 16 hours for me – and are associated with a lot of trips, at least during lockdown-free times. Brief moments of pause and reflection are therefore essential for me between the appointment marathons. As an absolute connoisseur, these power breaks often go hand in hand with a fresh cup of coffee – preferably freshly ground and from a portafilter machine. For me, espresso or cappuccino are among the little rewards in between and the necessary prerequisites for a successful day.
4. Positive thinking and acting: I am a great advocate of an open, forward-looking corporate culture. Combined with a clear system of values, it symbolizes for me the common will not to be satisfied with what has been achieved. For me, stagnation would mean a step backwards, just like sentences that begin with “should”, “would”, “could”. Because: Whoever speaks in the subjunctive does not act! The permanent action and solution orientation is an important factor for me in order to be able to be successful in the long term – on and off the field. Our corporate culture is characterized by positive thinking, respect, openness, transparency and curiosity. Living it every day fills me with great joy and is a central factor for further development and success for me.
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5. Balance through sport: Former McKinsey boss Herbert Henzler uses the saying, “One winged birds cannot fly”. Despite his 79 years of age, he still does sports every day. Translated, this means for me: “A healthy mind also lives in a healthy body”. In this respect, in addition to the intensive day-to-day work, I always try to find a physical balance through regular jogging, tennis or mountain biking. Even if it doesn’t work out for me every day, I find the balance through regular exercise in order to be efficient and resilient in everyday work. In football we speak of “individual stress control” – for me it is not only a decisive success factor on the football field, but also in everyday work.
By the way, all other articles from this series can be found here.
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