Ronan Keating: ‘Ma’s always gave us a clip around the ear and told us to keep our feet on the ground’

Derrick Santistevan

On Nova 96.9’s Fitzy & & Wippa we consulted with pop legend, Ronan Keating. Ronan gushes over child child Coco although he states the coronavirus constraints made the birth experience“bizarre” He informs a moving story about composing a song with Robbie Williams committed to their bandmate Stephen who died in 2009 and states the factor Boyzone has actually lasted the range compared to other bands is their grounded Irish training and their ma’s providing “a clip round the ear”.

On the birth of child Coco (4 months)
Ronan Keating “She’s gorgeous lads, she’s absolutely beautiful!”
Wippa “We were having babies around the same time, I think with the Corona restrictions I was the only one who was allowed to visit Lisa in hospital. No one else could go, how did you go with Storm?”
Ronan Keating “It was unique, it was bizarre to be honest. But it was beautiful, it was just Storm and I in the hospital with the bubba so it was a bit weird to not have the other kids there. It’s a weird time, the world is a mad place right now it’s bananas”

On Teaming Up with Robbie Williams in honour of bandmate Stephen Gatley who died
Ronan Keating“Stephen Gatley passed away 10 years ago, last October we were celebrating his life, the boys and I just hanging out and Rob emailed me that night to say “Ro, I have this song that I wrote the week that he passed away, I wrote this song about Stephen. I’d love you to have it or hear it, whatever you want to do with it” I indicate I’m standing there with cooking area with tears in my eyes listening to this song, I stated we have actually got to do something! Rob stated“let’s do it” It was quite fantastic, he’s a dear pal, I’m a big fan and to get the chance to interact is really unique!”

Why has Boyzone lasted the range
Sarah “Why do you think you guys last the distance but other groups can’t?”
Ronan Keating “I think it’s a sense of realism, we know who we are, the way we were brought up. On the Irish side you’re not allowed to get too big for your boots, our Ma’s always gave us a clip around the ear and told us to keep our feet on the ground. We don’t take ourselves too seriously.”

On being far from family in Australia
Wippa “Is storm struggling not seeing the family?”
Ronan Keating “Yeah it’s been tough, luckily her mum was with us when Coco was born, she flew out from Australia just before lockdown. She was with us for six weeks and when she went back she had to quarantine in a hotel in Sydney for two weeks. It’s the way it should be, I understand that but we were really lucky that she was with us. We are actually with her uncle right now, in France staying in his Chateau”
Wippa And most likely comparable to how I’m feeling at home, how’s the chat around the birth control going? actually well?”
Ronan Keating (Laughs) “yeah it’s going really well!”

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