Pilgrimage to Fatima May 13. Some advice for pilgrims and motorists

Sandra Loyd

Check here some advice from the authorities, the sanctuary, the ANSR and, of course, some of our team so that everything goes smoothly

The ANSR has the “Fatima Safe” campaign underway , it depends on everyone ”taking place between the 7th and the 13th of May, and we decided to give support in this final stretch of pilgrimage to Fátima.

On the walk, or in transit, to the Sanctuary of Fátima, for the pilgrimage of May 13, there are several dangers that the street and the road hide. And the same happens on the return.

And don’t forget to check where the speed cameras are

For this reason we have some advice for you, which we gathered based on the information collected from the official websites of the Sanctuary of Fátima, Ourém City Council ( to which Fátima belongs), ANSR (National Road Safety Authority, PSP and GNR, check here:

Advice for pilgrims walking along the roads:

  • Wear light clothing and / or retro-reflective clothing
  • At night, use retro-reflective vests
  • When it gets dark, the first person in line should use a flashlight with white light pointed at the floor (so as not to dazzle the conductors) and the last one, a red light
  • When in a group, walk in a single file
  • Circulate the sidewalks or berms
  • Take snacks and / or light meals and water;
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
  • Avoid using anything that distracts you, such as the cell phone and headphones
  • Walk in the opposite direction to traffic
  • Use the paths called Caminhos de Fátima and, if possible, roads with less car traffic
  • Always inform someone of your travel planning
  • In case of need (police or doctor) contact 112
Find out how fuel prices are going

Some advice for drivers:

  • For pilgrims and / or anyone considering going to Fátima by car, it is important to note that for security reasons, traffic will be conditioned on several streets near the Sanctuary
  • Make sure your vehicle is in perfect safety condition for the trip
  • Pay attention to pilgrims moving on foot
  • Support cars for pilgrims traveling on foot must stop at designated places for this purpose, in order to ensure security for everyone
  • Avoid the A1 motorway, as there will be severe traffic congestion
  • Start your pilgrimage and / or go to Fatima as soon as possible
  • Take meals and water to the trip
  • Make stops every 2 hours and / or whenever you feel fatigue
  • Do not consume alcohol before and during the trip
  • Use the safety belt safety and child restraint systems
  • Never leave personal documents in the vehicle
  • Do not leave any goods in sight inside the vehicle
  • Identify, memorize or photograph the place where you park your vehicle
  • Check online in advance the location and capacity of car parks parking

“In the face of Pandemic, the International Pilgrimage of Fátima of 13 May is once again celebrated with pilgrims in the Prayer Area, but still in a restricted way, that is, with a maximum capacity of 7,500 people in the celebrations “ – source: Fátima Sanctuary

It should be noted that in addition to safety on the road, this year there is also a need for greater care in terms of hygiene and public safety.


Any crowds should be avoided as there must be a safety distance between pilgrims, the use of masks, gloves and the frequent use of gel alcohol.

And our last advice: respect the instructions of the authorities on the spot and respect the others around you.

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