Pager: Monitoring algorithms

Sandra Loyd

The epidemic period and the consequent travel and travel restrictions, teleworking transformations are the responsibility of IT decision-makers, IT managers and they cause difficulties for all other readers interested in corporate IT. That’s why our editorial staff has decided to make it easier to access printed issues of Computerworld magazine from now on.

It’s extremely easy to use, but you’ll find all the help you need in the little one below.

How to page

The box below contains a pdf version of the current page number. Click in the box: you can use the controls that appear in the bottom bar to scroll through and zoom in on the content of specific pages. Use the + and – buttons to zoom in and out of pages, the square icon to open the newspaper in a new tab, full screen mode, and the three dots on the right to access additional display options from switching between one-sided and two-sided views to the scrolling effect. In full screen mode, the scrolling view appears on a new tab, where you can scroll using the side arrows or by clicking and dragging with the mouse, and additional options are displayed by dragging the cursor to the bottom of the tab

Computerworld magazine 10.02.2021

To solve the problems and challenges related to the epidemic, we have launched a new service: Computerworld Exchange, or CWeX for short, an interface where businesses can share their solutions to the challenges posed by the epidemic and other companies can use them to transform them. Browse the video and text case studies you’ve posted so far, discover the best solutions for your company to survive the crisis – and even get out of it stronger than it did. And if you want to show yourself and your own crisis management solutions on this interface, contact us and appear on CWeX!

Hardware, software, tests, curiosities and colorful news from IT from here by clicking here!

The post Pager: Monitoring algorithms appeared first on World Weekly News.