Once again, open source software and open standards have gained momentum

Sandra Loyd

Winners have been announced in the high school category of the open source programming competition of the Ministry of the Interior and NISZ Zrt. In the 24-hour final, students worked on creating a knowledge-sharing portal that provides opportunities for online communication and community building, integrating open source solutions that are still available today. The long-term goal of the organizers is to create a domestic open source community that would unite the smaller communities that now operate island-like. In addition to the glory, the podium teams will receive valuable material prizes, as well as internship opportunities.

“The competition aims to increase students’ knowledge of open source technology in high schools and higher education institutions interested in programming. “- said Károly Hajzer, Deputy State Secretary for Information Technology of the Ministry of the Interior. He added: “In my view, the competition has already achieved its goal, as students have started to engage in open source development and the field has been noticeably stronger this year, with more well-prepared teams in the field of development.”

The first prize in the category of “mkdir team name” was won by the application of the team of István Széchenyi Technical College and College of Nyíregyháza Vocational Training Center (members: Péter Gál, Dominik Páll, Bence Miklós Bora, preparatory teacher: Tamás Komoróczy). The second place went to “NemesGSZ”, the team of Nemes Tihamér Technical School and College of the Békéscsaba Vocational Training Center (members: István Viktor Kincses, István Mucha, Olivér Paróczai, preparatory teacher: Brigitta Tusjak), while the third place went to “Python”, Bethlen, Budapest. The team of Gábor Primary School and Gymnasium (members: Zoltán Szatmáry, Márton Szekeres, Zsombor Tersztenyák, preparatory teacher: Andrea Hetzl)

Ferenc Bancsics, CEO of NISZ, said about the crucial task: “The pandemic highlighted that while online knowledge sharing is essential in the field of open source, it is currently difficult to work in. Student-developed knowledge sharing portals bring together developers, operators, and users, and provide an opportunity for professionals and stakeholders to connect and exchange ideas online. task in an open source development environment, using open source technologies, in the framework of project work t be implemented. ” To demonstrate the readiness of the students, he added: “There have been far fewer professional questions this year than last year, probably because this time the teams have been able to decide for themselves which of the multiple open source development environments they want to develop.” ) “A real community of students was forged at night, they” told “us through music what their mental state is: we could listen to Zoltán Bereczki: You can be a king or Jimmy Zámbó: I can’t lose and the Game Maker: Dream of a miracle! song. ” – said Dóra Szabó, the professional leader of the competition, the director of corporate support and open source systems of NISZ Zrt.

Dóra Szabó commented on the experience of the evaluation: ” For example, one team produced a complete user manual with process descriptions, screenshots, and object models with appropriate representation techniques.Children again used and embedded existing open source frameworks and video conferencing systems in their own applications.Some students’ code quality would stop in development teams.

Open source software and open standards play an important role in the Hungarian public administration. NISZ Zrt. Established an Open Source Competence Center in 2016, which has already achieved outstanding international success in the development and debugging of LibreOffice.

In the framework of the secondary school championship in 2021, after two online rounds, the top 10 teams advanced to the national 24-hour final, where the top 3 teams presented their work in the form of a video. The work, judged by the professional jury to be the most creative and best executed, won the “Code Without Borders!” High school competition series 2021.

More details can be found on the competition.nisz.hu website

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