New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Moves State’s Presidential Primary To Late June
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) revealed Saturday he is pressing back the state’s presidential primary due to issues over the coronavirus.
The primary, which was set to take place on April 28, will now be hung on June 23.
“I don’t think it’s wise to be bringing a lot of people to one location to vote,” Cuomo stated at a press conference. “A lot of people touching one door knob, a lot of people touching one pen, whatever you call it ― device on the ballots. So, we are going to delay that, and link it to an election that was previously scheduled on June 23.”
One capacity problem for New York, nevertheless is that, June 23 wants June 9, the Democratic National Committee cutoff date for states to hold nominatingcontests States that move outside the window might deal with a penalty of approximately a 50% decrease in delegates.
New York has the second- most delegates of any state with274 Louisiana and Kentucky have actually likewise moved their elections outside the authorized window.
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