Meet Samuel R. Ortega, the person in charge of translating Monster Hunter Rise into Spanish

Adrian Ovalle

Meet Samuel R. Ortega, the person in charge of translating Monster Hunter Rise into Spanish

Undoubtedly the work of translation in video games is very important . It will not be strange that many of you have asked yourself on more than one occasion “Why has this game not arrived in translation?” or we have even seen comments such as “If it comes in English, they will not see my money” … Surely there are countless times that we have read comments of this style, not only on this page, but all over the internet.

Well, today we will talk about the work of a Spanish translator named Samuel R. Ortega known on Twitter as @ BokuGamer . Most of you may not know him, but he has worked on the Spanish translation of such prominent titles as No Straight Roads, Yo-Kai Watch 3, FFVIII Remastered, Rainbow Skies and more.

But today we will talk about another title in the that he has had the honor of working and that he is rigorously current and is none other than Monster Hunter Rise . Indeed, Samuel has been in charge of translating the latest installment of this successful saga into Spanish. Undoubtedly an arduous task of a long time that will now finally pay off, since we remind you that from today is already on sale on Nintendo Switch .

To share his experience he has done so through a blog where he explains interesting details of this important project. We leave you a summary of the most outstanding points below:

    to end of 2019 .
  • Until today is the most important project he has worked on .
  • Initially he felt a bit overwhelmed to learn that he was going to take over the translation of a game of such importance.
  • Highlights that is not an easy video game to translate due to the enormous complexity that has always characterized this saga.
  • Soon after starting he felt quite comfortable and confident with it, and that even despite not having videos or too much material about the game, since was rolling over as it was being translated .
  • Capcom praised the quality of the translation carried out, the creativity and the absence of grammatical, glossary and consistency errors .
  • In addition to translating the game, t was also in charge of the game manual, the website, the necessary settings for the demo and even the subtitles for the Direct in which its existence was made known for the first time.
  • Explain a curiosity and that is that during the Nintendo Direct the chordoptera , but not with that name, but with that of bugwire . That change occurred just that week, but it was too hasty to change it in said Direct. The reason for the change was that when the translation of that term came to him, he did so without knowing what exactly they were. In those cases a more literal translation is made until we can know what it is, so, from Wirebug , the provisional translation was simply cablebicho , and that is how they began to be called on all web pages.
  • He was also entrusted with the task of supervising the changes that the test boys and girls were making , as well as that of to resolve any questions you may have .

  • Your work is not finished yet as It will also work on the PC version (scheduled for early 2022), as well as the updates that are being done.

If you are interested in reading his full blog you can do so at this link . Also, if you have any doubts or questions about something related to his work in this title, you can leave it in the comments and he will try to answer you as much as possible. So do not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity!

From Nintenderos we thank you for your great work and we hope you continue participating in great projects in future.

The post Meet Samuel R. Ortega, the person in charge of translating Monster Hunter Rise into Spanish appeared first on World Weekly News.