Large percentage of US investors would be willing to put money in DeFi

Sandra Loyd

66.5% of investors established in the United States answered that they had heard of DeFi (decentralized finance), while 24.3% had not heard of these products, and 9.2% I was not sure.

This is revealed by the survey “Investments in cryptocurrencies in 2021” carried out with 379 accredited investors in that nation, which was circulated by Xangle (cryptocurrency disclosure platform).

According to this research, 90% of investors who know what DeFi is, would be willing to invest in these platforms during 2021. More specifically, 72.2% of them said that “it would be very likely »To do so, and 17.5%« somewhat probable ».

Investors want expand your portfolio to include DeFi products. Source: Xangle.

The survey carried out by Xangle from January 18 to 28 of the current year also showed that only 3.2% find it unlikely to place their resources in these financial applications. Finally, 5.2% said they were not sure if they would do it or not.

DeFi is a concept used to name a set of financial products, which has characteristics similar to traditional services , but that have been created on a blockchain.

As CriptoNoticias reported in July 2020, the DeFi boom in Ethereum began to be observed in the second half of that year. A report by the Consensys company showed that one of the main indicators of the growth of this type of operations is the blocked volume of ether (ETH) (includes tokens anchored to ETH, such as WETH).

Bitcoin is it a Ponzi scheme?

Xangle’s research shows that investors’ perception of bitcoin continues to improve, although some of the results obtained seem to be contradictory.

One of the objectives of this study was to know some of the beliefs about bitcoin. “Is Bitcoin a legitimate asset or just a scam?” Was one of the questions and the results were described in the report as “a bit surprising”.

Despite the positive results, 73% of l The respondents think that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. In the survey, participants were defined as a Ponzi scheme as “one in which a person or entity seeks investors with the promise of unlimited profits without there being a real way to make money, while returns are simply transferred from new investors to investors. Oldest ».

53.8% of respondents are convinced of that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Source: Xangle.

It is clear from this report that 53.8% of investors surveyed firmly believe that bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, while 18.7% said they somewhat agree with this thesis and only 19% believe that cryptocurrency is not.

Consequently, to the aforementioned, the document points out: “despite the position on bitcoin that we have seen so far, our respondents are not sure of its legitimacy. A remarkable 8.4% do not know if bitcoin is legitimate or not “.

Is Bitcoin a bubble?

Later, the document shows that 72% of investors surveyed consider that bitcoin it’s “a bubble.”

“How do you feel about bitcoin? Is it a bubble about to burst, like the bubble of dot com or the housing bubble? » was the question. Half of the respondents (50.4%) firmly agreed that bitcoin is a bubble that will soon burst and 21.9% somewhat agree with this idea.

In this sense, says the document: “This skepticism is more likely due to the constant and frequent gains of bitcoin in the second half of 2020, with a new price ceiling broken every week.”

Add the text that only 20.8% of respondents believe that bitcoin is not a bubble , and 6.9% are not sure if it is or not.

Is Bitcoin a store of value?

72% of the people consulted answered that, indeed, bitcoin is a store of value. According to the report, in this way it is hinted that, for investors, the first Cryptocurrency is a valuable asset, “like gold that does not depreciate and does not respond to inflation to a great extent.”

More than half of the investors interviewed (50.9%) strongly agrees that Bitcoin is a valuable asset and the 21.4% responded that they “somewhat agree”. The study details that only 18.5% of investors do not agree that bitcoin is a store of value and 9.5% are not sure that it is.

Bitcoin as a hedge against the US dollar

Regarding if bitcoin is a hedge against the US dollar , 68% answered affirmatively. This is because the US dollar is subject to inflation, among other factors, due to its ability to be issued in an unlimited and inorganic way.

The investigation considered whether its Respondents believe that bitcoin is a hedge against “the failure of the US dollar especially in uncertain economic times created by the pandemic.” The responses were a little more skeptical, with only 43.5% who responded strongly agree that it is and 24% somewhat agree.

The document adds that 23.4 % of participants did not agree that it is a hedge against the dollar and 9.2% were not sure.

Lihan Lee, co-founder of Xangle, commented on these findings:

The results of the survey confirmed our belief that accredited investors are very excited about investing in cryptocurrencies, but have been conservative due to a lack of protection from regulators, scams, and a lack of awareness and education across the industry. It is extremely critical for the industry as a whole to step up and provide this new wave of investors with everything they need to ensure they have a positive and ongoing investment experience.

Lihan Lee, Co-founder of Xangle.

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