Khamenei's delegate attacks the Pope: His visit to Iraq was carried out at the behest of the United States


While the visit of the spiritual leader of the Catholic Christians in the world, Pope Francis, to Iraq and his meeting with the Shiite cleric Ali al-Sistani in Najaf met with general satisfaction among the Iraqi people with all its political, national and religious components, this visit faced anger and resentment before Religious symbols close to the regime’s guide, Ali Khamenei.

In the new reactions in this context, Ahmad Alam Al-Huda, the representative of the Iranian guide in the Khorasan region, and the Friday imam in the city of Mashhad, attacked the Pope’s visit, claiming that “it has taken place. With an American instruction, “as he described it.

And he said knowledge of guidance in a sermon. Friday, the Pope “had an American mission, which is to urge the Shiite authority to ask the Iraqi people and the Popular Mobilization Forces to refrain from attacking the United States of America.”

Last week, the Pope paid a 3-day visit to Iraq, During which he visited Baghdad, Najaf, Mosul, and Kurdistan.

The Pope’s meeting with Sistani in Najaf provoked sharp reactions by the media associated with the summit of the pyramid of power in Iran, as they considered this meeting a challenge to the bribe. Iranian Dr. Ali Khamenei.

The Iranian media attack reached a degree of anger, as a fabricated picture of the Pope’s meeting with Sistani circulated, in which a photo was posted in Photoshop of Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the Iranian Quds Force, claiming that this The visit would not have taken place without the efforts of Soleimani, who was killed in an American bombing outside Baghdad airport in January 2020, in order to establish stability and security in Iraq, as I wrote more than one Iranian newspaper and agency. Run by Ali Akbar Velayati, the guide’s advisor for international affairs, she described the visit of the Pope of the Vatican as a “conspiracy”, and wrote that it “comes within the framework of the attempts to consolidate the existence of Israel under the pretext of spreading the peace speech.” The newspaper stated that the Pope came to Iraq with the aim of “spreading Christianity and expanding the influence of Christians in Iraq.”

It is mentioned that Sistani refused last month to receive Ibrahim Raisi, head of the Iranian judiciary, upon the latter’s visit to Iraq, which confirms the deep disagreement between The Qom and Najaf Hawzas on the principle of separating religion from politics.

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