IAEA: Iran has already started 60% enrichment


At a time when world powers are negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced today, Saturday, that Iran has begun enriching uranium to a purity of 60 percent with its above-ground reactor at the Natanz facility, confirming previous data from Iranian officials.

In addition, the agency said in a statement, “The agency verified today that Iran has started production of uranium hexafluoride at the level of 60 percent.”

The uranium produced in the reactor was 55.3% .. The Agency took a sample of the produced UF6 for analysis and independently verifies the level of enrichment announced by Iran .. The Agency will disclose the results of this analysis in a timely manner. ”

The Director of the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, said on Friday to state television that Iran could increase uranium enrichment to 60% relatively quickly.

“We raise enrichment in Hour “

He added on state television,” We have fertilized urani And up to 20% within an hour, and we can raise the level to 60% in the same period of time. ”

He pointed out that the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency produced 25 kilograms of enriched uranium, at a rate of 20% in less. From a month ago, it is in the process of producing 1000 rapid centrifuges.

90% to manufacture a nuclear bomb

According to the agreement International nuclear program, Iran is only allowed to enrich uranium with a degree of less than 4%, and uranium must be enriched to 90% to make a nuclear bomb.

And Salehi warned that Iran will completely remove some surveillance cameras from nuclear facilities. Iran, if US sanctions against Iran are not lifted during the next three months.

The director of the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that his country is ready for diplomatic negotiations, but not in the way the United States and the Europeans imagine, “but on our way.” He insisted once again on the need to lift US sanctions in advance as a precondition for negotiations.

However, US President Joe Biden said on Friday that he saw no benefit in Iran raising its enrichment by 60%.

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