Harvard Health Professor Slams Trump’s ‘Catastrophic Failure’ On Coronavirus

Adrian Ovalle

Harvard global health professor Dr. Ashish Jha on Thursday regreted the haphazard U.S. action to the coronavirus pandemic, explaining it as “among the very worst in the world.”

“Certainly among all the major countries,” Jha informed MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, keeping in mind how “every major country has more testing than we do across Europe, South Korea, Japan, even Vietnam and Iran until recently have been doing a better job testing than we have.”

Jha stated the screening failure is “really mind-boggling” and makes it “really hard to get a grip on how many people actually have the infection, where the infections are, how widespread it is and what we can do to respond to it.”

“I see this as just a catastrophic failure on the part of the federal government and the federal leadership,” stated Jha, who is likewise director of the Harvard Global Health Institute.

His remarks were echoed by Ronald Klain, who former President Barack Obama charged with leading the U.S. action to the Ebola crisis. Klain duplicated his intense criticism of the Trump White House handling of the coronavirus pandemic, associating it to “failure stacked on failure stacked on failure.”

Have a look at the clip above.

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