Fujitsu has acquired global Oracle cloud solution provider status

Sandra Loyd

Fujitsu has also received Managed Service Expertise (MSE) accreditation from Oracle for Europe and North America.

To obtain the status, Oracle and external auditors also examined Fujitsu’s readiness for Oracle Cloud implementation. In this way, customers could be confident that the company has the capabilities to complete complex transformation projects. As Fujitsu integrates Oracle Cloud into its own comprehensive services, it also simplifies solutions and license management for customers.

MSE accreditation recognizes the effectiveness of Fujitsu’s cloud development program and the success of its system deployments, including with a UK financial regulator, more At a U.S. manufacturing company and large British government agencies. Fujitsu’s Oracle Cloud offerings and capabilities were independently audited by Security Systems International (ISSI). The study confirmed that Fujitsu has extensive expertise in implementing complex and mission-critical projects and has a high level of technical and engineering design expertise in a wide range of disciplines. The continuous improvement strategy launched at Fujitsu’s managed service organization also demonstrates the company’s commitment to consistently excellent performance.

The momentum behind Oracle Cloud

Companies moving to increasing flexibility and agility continue to move to the cloud at a rapid pace. That’s why many organizations are deploying Oracle Cloud infrastructure and applications that enable them to gain a significant competitive advantage through, among other things, an excellent employee and customer experience, increased efficiency, more advanced decision-making processes, and cloud-based enhancements to achieve true business results.

Due to the complexity of system integration and the lack of industry professionals, many companies find it difficult to carry out such large-scale migration projects. That’s why more and more of them are using providers like Fujitsu for a seamless transition and seamless integration of Oracle Cloud infrastructure and applications with our existing IT systems. Fujitsu, which has been working with Oracle for more than 30 years, has the knowledge base and expertise to ensure the most cost-effective, smooth execution of the process.

“Many organizations are looking for a partner for cloud-based transformation that can reduce the complexity of the system without risk and achieve the desired business results. Oracle acknowledges Fujitsu’s significant achievements over the years in sales, hardware and licensing of Oracle solutions, and the Oracle Cloud accreditations announced today, including cloud provider status, guarantee customers that Fujitsu can they can embark on an exciting path of transformation with maximum security, ”said Havovi Yazdabadi, Oracle’s vice president of professional associations and resellers.

“Companies are increasingly determined to digitize and transform their operations. Many of them want to achieve these goals primarily through Oracle Cloud. .Accreditation demonstrates Fujitsu’s deep and deepening relationship with Oracle and brings real benefits to customers – guaranteeing the superior quality of our services and easier management of the commercial framework.These are the main reasons why you can really get the most out of Oracle Cloud with the help of Fujitsu, ”added Fleur Copping, Fujitsu’s vice president of global professional associations.

Market introduction

The price of the services is determined individually depending on the specific requirements of the customer . The design is available in Europe and North America from today. Contact your local Fujitsu representative.

The post Fujitsu has acquired global Oracle cloud solution provider status appeared first on World Weekly News.