Drones were sent to the Horror Cave to find the missing biblical prophecies

Sandra Loyd

Sixty years later, remnants of scrolls containing biblical text and other significant archaeological finds have been discovered in caves in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea, the JTI reported on Jedi in Ahronot.

One of the nearly two thousand-year-old parchment scrolls, torn by dozens of small pieces unearthed by researchers at the Israeli Archaeological Authority (IAA), contains an excerpt from the book of the prophet Zechariah: “Do these things: Tell the truth to one another. Judgment in your gates: do not devise any evil against you, and love not the false oath. I hate it all, saith the Lord. (Zechariah 8, 16-18)

The scroll fragments contain the texts of the 12 Little Prophets, along with Zechariah the lines of the book of the Prophet Nahum, so probably the missing part of the scroll of the Little Prophets discovered in 1952. The text was written mainly in Greek, but the name of God was marked with Hebrew letters typical of the pre-Babylonian captivity.

New remnants of the text came from the Horror Cave, which got its name because when it was discovered in the fifties. 40 corpses, children, women and men, who may have died during the Bar-Kohba uprising against the Roman Empire (132-135 AD)

In addition to parchment fragments, Coins from the age of the Kohba uprising were also found, containing typical Jewish symbols of the era, including a harp and a date palm. Researchers have found pieces of arrows and spears, tissue remains, sandals, even a comb against lice from the time of probably the largest but little documented Jewish rebellion.

The Murabat Cave in the desert is the world’s oldest, largest, They found a basket of 90-100 liters, made of reeds and sealed with a lid, which has remained in excellent condition due to the extremely warm and dry climate. The basket could have been made 10.5 thousand years ago – according to Elisabetta Boaretto, a researcher at the Weizman Science Institute in Recho – in the Neolithic Age, when pottery had not yet appeared in the area. The cart is probably for storage.

In 2017, the IAA began large-scale archaeological excavations in the Judean Desert on the rocks of the west coast of the Dead Sea to save posterity treasures from posterity thieves for posterity. Experts have so far surveyed 80 kilometers of sections using state-of-the-art technology, including drones, to assess the most inaccessible locations.

Dead Sea Scrolls, considered the greatest archaeological sensation of the 20th century, were also found on these rocks in the caves of the Judean Desert. Damaged and fragmented pregames have been written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek by, among others, the earliest known versions of several biblical texts, religious apocryphals not included in the Bible, and commentaries and mystical texts whose identities are still scientifically debated

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