Display | New ways: let your voice work for you!

Derrick Santistevan

Have you tried speech recognition yet? Great! This article shows you what professional speech recognition can do for your business. And on top of that, you will find out the nine most important decision-making criteria.

Digitization: This is what it looks like in Germany right now

Today, mobile devices, high-performance networks and cloud-based infrastructures enable company resources to be accessed from anywhere. But we know: This is gray theory, because reality often looks very different.

Even one year after the start In the wake of the corona pandemic, not all employees who actually could work in the home office are far from allowed. It’s actually a shame, because a current German study by the University of Mannheim shows that if only one percent more people stayed in the home office, the infection rate would be up to eight percent lower. Professional speech recognition could optimize a lot here and enable new, flexible ways of working.

An AI cloud solution that really understands you

Nuance Communications

Nuance Communications

The great advances in the areas of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) make current speech recognition solutions high-performing. Algorithms now learn independently from experience. By interacting with you, they adapt better and better to your language characteristics, such as a dialect or accent, and continuously increase the recognition accuracy. AI-based components such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) allow modern speech recognition programs to identify the content and context of the speech input. You can import subject-specific vocabularies in advance, train them explicitly and continuously improve them in the dictation process. Current speech recognition systems recognize spoken text with almost no errors. A study at Stanford University also found that text entry by voice is three times faster than typing.

With the most important selection criteria, your decision will be made easy for you. (Image: Nuance Communciations)

The 9th most important selection criteria for your decision

  1. Speed: Your spoken text should be transcribed in real time.
  2. Precision: Pay attention to a demonstrably high recognition rate. Current market-leading programs can correctly recognize up to 99 percent of the dictated text from the first use.
  3. Adaptability : The software should be able to be adapted quickly and easily to the circumstances and requirements of your environment.
  4. Flexibility: Depending on the requirements, choose the provision via a public or a private cloud. In some cases the direct installation of a local desktop solution can still be useful today.
  5. Easy installation and maintenance: Find out how easy it is to configure and install the solution of your choice. Automatic updates also reduce the administrative effort.
  • Scalability: Ideally, your speech recognition solution can be scaled quickly and flexibly. So you are well prepared for the future.
  • Security: When dictating, sensitive information is often mentioned and processed. Make sure that storage and communication between the solution components are protected by stable 256-bit encryption. The Cloud Computing requirements catalog (C5) of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provides you with a valid basis for assessment and decision-making.
  • Privacy: Comply with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Make sure that the provider’s data centers are located in the European legal area and are certified according to common standards such as ISO 27001. The Cloud Computing requirements catalog (C5) of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provides you with a valid basis for assessment and decision-making.
  • Integration ability: The solution of your choice should be both locally installable and seamlessly integrated into existing thin client infrastructures, virtualized environments and workflows.
  • The solution: Dragon from Nuance

    Dragon fulfills as a technology leader and innovation drivers all of the above criteria. You can find out more about Nuance solutions and areas of application in the white papers “Speech Recognition in Professional Use” and “New ways of working thanks to cloud-based speech recognition.”

    Use Dragon now!

    The post Display | New ways: let your voice work for you! appeared first on World Weekly News.