Digital butterfly effect

Sandra Loyd

In order for organizations to be able to prepare their IT systems for the latest challenges following the acceleration of the digital transformation, they need to keep in mind the five principles of the digital butterfly effect – I read Liferay Central and Eastern Europe. writing by the European Regional Leader. According to Zsolt Balogh – the following are his thoughts – the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic has not only rewritten industries. Companies with technological disadvantages had to accelerate the development of their systems as a result of the pandemic, so they may have been suddenly forced to devote more energy to improving their infrastructure. As a result of the rush, decision-makers have voted in favor of a weaker architecture as a cost-effective solution, or have committed themselves to traditional technology rather than agile systems.

This haste may have setbacks in the future, such as the opacity of processes or the difficulty of sharing data channels. For example, it doesn’t matter whether automated security enforcement mechanisms and APIs help integrate new software, or rather opt for manual mechanisms, making them more likely to attract human error. To avoid these, it is worthwhile to train decision-makers from current technological solutions.

A good example of using our own resources is when a financial institution’s internal IT team was involved to build the bank’s digital experience platform through which it served its customers. With this step, the supplier circle could be skipped and at least three unnecessary platform changes were avoided. On the plus side, the investment did not involve significant costs

Another example from the banking sector was when a credit institution set up a new recruitment workflow. The HR team used the Dreyfus model used in education and operations research to analyze the skills acquired. Using the methodology, they were able to focus on the most talented professionals and their training. The effectiveness of the method is also supported by McKinsey’s research, according to which an expert developer is eight times as productive as a beginner.

Who would not be familiar with patching-patching previous systems? Legacy systems will later need to be integrated with new systems. However, this transition can lead to many headaches. What to do: It is worthwhile to build modularly so that integration can take place flexibly.

Users can now indulge in the digital experience economy, and the data extracted from this set of experiences is now a treasure trove for companies. However, in order for companies to obtain databases of positive feelings, emotions, and memories, they must compete for customers ’attention and time. If the customer feels that their time is being stolen unnecessarily, they will turn to the service provider very quickly. It has therefore become important to place an increasing emphasis on improving user or customer experiences by learning the principles of user experience and multi-experience.

In order for a company’s digital experience platform to be able to provide lasting experiences for its customers, there is a need for teamwork between the departments of the organization: to provide the right application environment to build the customer experience, to rethink the methodology for developing user experiences, which needs to be expanded with even more experience. Together, these elements can provide lasting memories in the digital experience economy.

Companies that take advantage of the opportunities offered by experience platforms can make improvements from their own resources and along a well-thought-out strategy, not only reduce costs and haste they will be able to catch up with the ever-changing consumer expectations, but they will also be among the first to win over their customers, writes the author.

End of quote.

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The post Digital butterfly effect appeared first on World Weekly News.