Cyprus Defense Minister: Turkey has gone beyond the UN decisions on our cause


In a meeting with Al Arabiya, the Cypriot Minister of Defense, Charlampus, accused Turkey of bypassing all UN decisions issued on the Cyprus issue.

He confirmed that his country will participate in the Geneva meeting that will bring together the parties to the Cyprus issue at the end of a month. Next April, upon an invitation from the Secretary-General of the United Nations to discuss the issue of the island, which has been divided into two halves since 1974

, Petrades stated, “I would like to emphasize that the solution must be based and take into account the agreements and UN Security Council resolutions in addition to the values ​​and foundations. The European Union .. What is different today is that Turkey, for the first time, is demonstrating a dangerous position through its demand for a two-state solution in Cyprus. This cannot constitute a logical starting point for reaching a solution to the Cyprus issue, as the Turkish position goes beyond all Security Council resolutions and is not in line with the principles of the European Union.

The Cypriot Minister of Defense stressed the importance of the existing alliances between Cyprus and Gulf countries to counter the Turkish intervention in the eastern Mediterranean region.

In this regard, the Cypriot official stated, “Turkey poses a permanent threat to the security of Cyprus because it has a large military presence in the occupied area of ​​the island and is working to destabilize it by carrying out provocative actions without respect for the rights and sovereignty of Cyprus Its territorial waters … we are working with our allies and partners to counter Turkish interference in the region. Cyprus has built a wide range of partnerships and cooperation with countries in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf to support stability, prosperity and cooperation. ”

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