CSO: mobile data traffic is constantly growing

Sandra Loyd

The data traffic of the Hungarian mobile network continues to grow, last year in the fourth quarter it was one and a half times higher than a year earlier, 167 petabytes; 93% of data traffic took place via the 4G-LTE system, according to the Central Statistical Office’s (CSO) quarterly sectoral report Telecommunications, Internet, Television Services

Data from Internet subscriptions The quarterly revenue change significantly outpaced the increase in the number of subscriptions. Sales at HUF 84 billion at current prices were 6.6 percent higher than a year earlier, more than half of which came from mobile Internet access services. Revenues from mobile Internet subscriptions increased by 10% to HUF 46.4 billion in the quarter

Revenues of enterprises operating in the information and communication sector increased by 7% to HUF 1,138 billion compared to the same period of the previous year. The average gross earnings of full-time employees at companies increased by 10.1 per cent to HUF 704 thousand

In its report, the CSO highlights: in recent months, digitalisation has become even more important due to the coronavirus situation, has become an integral part of. The number of Internet subscriptions at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020 was 10.4 million, 1.6 percent more than a year earlier. More than 97 percent of subscriptions were provided by 10 providers. Market concentration increased further as the sector underwent a major market reorganization: operators ceased to exist or merged with other operators

Last year, the average duration of voice calls from mobile and fixed networks was significantly higher in the last quarter. exceeded that of previous years. An average of 6.0 minutes of conversation per day was received per mobile subscription, the highest value in recent years, and changed contact habits due to the coronavirus epidemic also played a role in this. The time of mobile calls continued to rise, one-fifth higher than in the same quarter last year. The average talk time again reached a high of 3.6 minutes in the second quarter

The number of fixed trunks – 32 per 100 inhabitants – decreased slightly at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to a year earlier. . Although the number of calls made from the fixed network continued to decline, the duration of calls increased significantly, as in the second quarter. Although time spent on landline telephony has shown a declining trend in recent years, 2020 was characterized by growth, to which the emerging epidemiological situation also contributed greatly. 88% of all telephone calls were made from mobile phones

At the end of the quarter, the number of active SIM cards was close to 12.7 million, up 1.3% from the fourth quarter of 2019. (The number of subscriptions also includes more than 1.3 million M2M cards, which means communication without human intervention.) There were 131 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (existing residential and business subscriptions, and mobile Internet). The proportion of monthly subscriptions is growing year by year, the number of top-up cards is steadily declining, with only 28 per cent of SIM cards at the end of the quarter. The regulation on the control of prepaid subscriptions in early 2017, which provides for mandatory data reconciliation, played a role in this

At the end of the quarter, the number of subscriptions to television services was 0.5 per cent higher than a year earlier and higher than 3 per cent. , 7 mln. 82 percent of television service is already digital. It was noted that a growing number of subscribers are demanding television programs that can be watched on non-fixed platforms, a service provider that has adapted to this need: the fixed-line online TV service has become popular, accounting for more than 10% of television subscriptions

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