Coronavirus: Pub landlords and hairdressers ‘still terrified’ of virus despite reopening
Thousands of services throughout England can resume today in the most considerable alleviating of lockdown guidelines up until now.
Clubs, dining establishments, movie theaters and hairdressers are amongst the locations set to invite back consumers on what has actually been called “Super Saturday” for the first time because completion of March.
However one business owner informed Sky News that although he required to return to work to pay his lease, he feels “a little bit scared” to do so.
“I have the sanitiser, I’m wearing gloves but still I have to touch people’s faces and I’m very close to them,” Ed Rahimi, a barber in Greater Manchester stated.
” I’m a bit terrified. Coronavirus does not care who you are and I believe we’re going to be back in lockdown within the next couple of weeks,” he added.
Clubs will have the ability to open indoor tables to consumers however with considerable brand-new social distancing limitations in location.
The New Inn pub in Clapham, Lancashire, has actually executed a one-way system to manage motion, table-service just and is just taking a 3rd of its typical number of consumers.
Ed Rahimi, a barber in Greater Manchester, states he feels ‘a bit terrified’ at reopening today
Property owner Tom Ledsham states a lot is riding on the success of this weekend’s trading.
“We will have fewer punters and that will be an issue for us,” he stated.
“So it’s really important for us that we hit the ground running from the offset, so that we make sure that people are aware that the pub is a safe place to come back to and that we’ve got it under control.”
However there are, certainly, obstacles ahead to resolve the issues of consumers.
Joanna Hesse, a hair stylist in Manchester, has actually invested “thousands of pounds” on protective equipment for her hair salon and personnel.
Clients will not be provided publications or beverages. Rather, they will be provided a non reusable face mask, dress and hair towel.
Pub property owner Tom Ledsham states his business ‘needs to strike the ground running’
“I’m doing everything possible to get people in the chair, and to make them feel as safe as possible,” Mrs Hesse stated.
“Every hairdresser I’ve spoken to has spent thousands of pounds on this, as I have. And my concern is that unless the government helps financially with that, soon people are going to start cutting corners.”
On The Other Hand, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has actually alerted people that they might wind up “behind bars” if they get brought away as bars resume.
Mr Hancock informed the Daily Mail he would not “shirk” from shutting bars and dining establishments once again and enforcing regional lockdowns if required.
He stated: “I’m no killjoy, but the virus can still kill. I don’t want to see bars and pubs have to close again. I love going to the pub and enjoy a pint or two.”
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On Friday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson informed people not to “blow” development in combating the spread of the illness made throughout the lockdown as he released the federal government’s brand-new motto “enjoy summer safely”.
His remarks followed primary medical officer Teacher Chris Whitty stated the coronavirus pandemic “is a long way from gone” as he advised the public to follow social-distancing guidelines as the lockdown is alleviated.
Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief clinical advisor, likewise alerted of the danger of the “superspreading” of COVID-19 taking place in bars.
In Northern Ireland, bars were enabled to resume on Friday, however Scotland and Wales are taking a more careful method.
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