Corona and the vaccine … a third dose may be for them!


Within a study that is the first of its kind in terms of linking body mass index and response to the emerging coronavirus vaccine, recent scientific information prepared by researchers at the Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri Institute for Natural Treatments in Rome showed that obese people may need a third dose From the Corona vaccine, according to what was reported by the Russian news agency “TASS”.

In details, the Italian study reported that obese people who suffer from obesity are formed after being vaccinated against the coronavirus, antibodies with a lesser number or amount 3 times as much as it is among those who do not face this problem, after the experts studied immunity at 250 volunteer doctors who had received the “Pfizer” vaccine.

And they published the results of their study on the medical scientific site medRxiv, who said in the article All the participants in the experiment, after receiving a second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine, began to produce immunity against the Corona virus, but the density of the volunteers differed and the antibodies increased in women and youth who have a low index of obesity.

I said in their blood.

As explained by the team that revealed the effect of the delicious BNT162b2 vaccine The company “Pfizer” placed it on 250 volunteers who all received two doses of the vaccine with a time difference of 3 weeks, then the scientists took blood samples of the volunteer doctors to determine the amount of antibodies in it, that the immune response was formed in all the participants in the experiment except for one volunteer doctor.

The amount of antibodies in the overwhelming majority (93.2%) of them was very large. As for their density, they mainly depended on the sex, age and weight of the volunteers, registering a greater number of antibodies in women and youth, while the elderly and obese people had twice or 3 times less antibody in their blood compared to the young and non-obese.

In addition, the researchers who conducted the study believed that it would help in the optimal distribution of vaccines and the protection of people most vulnerable to the epidemic.

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