Computerworld Café: our guest is Orsolya Ferencz, Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research

Sandra Loyd

Today, humanity has made space part of its critical infrastructure, and services based on the devices circulating there are now the foundation of our existence. Among other things, we talked about this with Orsolya Ferencz, the Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research at Computerworld Café

As it turned out, Hungary’s space activities are very significant, which would otherwise be good if the public knew. It dates back more than 70 years in Hungary, in 1946 Zoltán Bay and Károly Simonyi and their research group were able to measure the distance between the Moon and the Earth with radar for the second time in the world and for the first time on the continent. It is an international world like the Olympics, where it is not the size of a country’s size or GDP that is the key to effectiveness, but rather the talents and innovations of these people, “he said. Orsolya Ferencz

And space research has more and more branches: device development, electronics, dosimetry, space studies, drug research – could be listed at length. It is an interdisciplinary field, ie it concerns not only basic science, basic research, but also applied research and services based on it. For this reason, doctors, engineers, basic researchers, physicists, astronomers, or even economists and lawyers are just as needed in this field.

One thing is for sure: we are faced with a lot of open questions – more details, interesting facts in the video:

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