China is building an invisible silk road from Asia through Africa to Europe

Sandra Loyd

As we have become accustomed to from China, which has given pathetic names, the “ One Zone, One Road ” (OBOR) and The infocommunication developments related to the mega-project called “ Zone and Road Initiative ” (BRI) have entered a new phase, so that by entering the final stage of the Digital Silk Road (DSR), China will start cross-border optical cable laying in Pakistan. The developments are aimed at improving international communications connectivity and strengthening the internationalization of China’s fast-growing IT companies.

Developed in connection with the PEACE (Pakistan East Africa Connecting Europe) submarine cable in the Arabian Sea, connects BRI project participants and Europe. It is currently being invested between Pakistan’s Rawalpindi and Karachi and Gwadar port cities. The $ 240 million project, which is partnering with China’s Huawei Technologies, was approved by the government last week.

Offshore cable laying in Pakistan’s territorial waters will begin in March after the government approved Cybernet’s local internet site this month. construction of an Arabian Sea Center in Karachi. The Mediterranean phase of the project, which runs from Egypt to France, is currently under construction, and the 15,000-kilometer cable is expected to be connected to the service later this year.

PEACE provides the shortest direct route between participating countries , and drastically reduces Internet data transfer speeds. It also helps alleviate internet outages in the region caused by damage to Pakistani submarine cables.

According to Eyck Freymann, author of “One Belt One Road: Chinese Power Meets the World,” BRI places less emphasis on traditional infrastructure, but all the more it focuses on high-tech collaboration and digital services.

“Beijing wants to dominate the physical infrastructure behind global communications, especially the Internet,” he told Nikkei Asia. “This will benefit him in internationalizing the technology sector and pursuing technology-based activities with partner countries.”

Ambitious multi-trillion-dollar BRI initiative announced by Chinese President Xi Qing in 2013 aims to boost relations and cooperation between East Asia, Europe and East Africa. It is expected to boost global trade significantly, with experts estimating to halve the cost of trade in the countries concerned.

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