Bitcoin refined donates one million euros to the Greens

Sandra Loyd
What will the election posters look like this year? (Image: Cineberg /

A software developer from Greifswald made a record donation of one million euros to the “The Greens” party. The money comes from speculative profits with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

As can be read on the transparency page of the German Bundestag, the party “Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen” received a donation of over one million euros from an individual from the small town of Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. As a spokeswoman for the Greens confirmed to the dpa, this is the largest single donation the party has ever received.

Behind the donation is an independent software developer who wants to use profits from speculation with the crypto currency Bitcoin in such a way that they benefit environmental and climate protection. The donor is said to have made it clear to the Greens that he sees his Bitcoin profit as “undeserved wealth”, which he “does not want to claim for himself, but socially” and for something that corresponds to his convictions.

Environmental protection and Bitcoin?

Anyone wondering how environmental and climate protection go hand in hand with Bitcoin and the Greens will find out that the donor sees the Bitcoin system in the meantime “critically”, “among other things against the background that the necessary arithmetic operations consume huge amounts of electricity.” We recently reported the magnitude of these.

From the record We receive donations due to the transparency regulations of the German political party law. This stipulates that parties must report donations of 50,000 euros or more to the President of the Bundestag. The Greens want to use the money for the federal election campaign. – with material from dpa

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