Ankara is covering up the murders of women … a German report that angered Turkey


A report published by the German website “Deutsche Welle” aroused Turkey’s indignation after it revealed fraud and manipulation on a large scale in a human rights case, and about a huge number of women who were killed, while the Turkish authorities deliberately closed hundreds of files in these crimes on the basis that they were cases Suicide.

The General Directorate of Security in Turkey responded in a statement, according to Anadolu Agency, that “in the event that the Public Prosecutor conducts his assessment and concludes that there is no suspicion of a crime, a decision can be taken not to pursue the case and the possibility of Reopening the investigation in the event that new evidence emerges. ”

According to what was stated in the report, 300 women were killed in Turkey last year, and that women’s rights activists talk about falsification of case data that turns into suicides.

The Turkish opposition and civil society organizations, including feminist organizations, have previously condemned the authority’s handling of violent crimes against women.

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