An advanced series of cyber attacks has hit several domestic government portals

Sandra Loyd

In recent days, a coordinated, advanced series of cyber attacks has hit several Hungarian government portals, causing disruptions in the operation of some websites, writes the central government site According to their announcement, “the attacks mostly came from foreign IP addresses, their number one targets were government and administrative administration portals.”

Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt. Works to prevent attacks and ensure the smooth operation of services. The circumstances of the attacks will be examined in detail and the necessary legal action will be taken, the Communication concludes. , or from what directions the returnees came from. It has not been disclosed whether any disruptions have been made or whether sensitive data have been obtained.

In any case, cyber warfare against government agencies is not new, ranging from hacker attacks to phishing emails. method has been encountered in recent years. In some cases, such cases could be linked to specific countries, most often with information on actions launched by Russian, Chinese and North Korean clients. If we know the details in this case, we will, of course, expand on this news.

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