Alliance created by Square sues Craig Wright for proclaiming himself creator of Bitcoin

Sandra Loyd

The Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA), created by Square, announced this Monday, April 12, that it filed a lawsuit before the Superior Court of London, in which it asks that court declare that Craig Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper, nor the copyright owner of said document, among other requests.

The announcement of the lawsuit was published on COPA’s Twitter account @opencryptoorg , which shows the first page of the document introduced last April 9 in Superior Court. The lawsuit also asks the court for a statement that any use of the Bitcoin White Paper by the plaintiff does not infringe any copyrights of the defendant.

On the other hand, the court is expressly requested to prohibit the defendant from declaring that he is the author of the Bitcoin White Paper.

Cover of the COPA lawsuit against Craig Wright before the Superior Court of London. Source: COPA /

Craig Wright has been proclaimed numerous times as Satoshi Nakamoto, an attribution considered false by the media and the bitcoin community. The Australian computer scientist has filed several lawsuits against recognized members of the cryptocurrency community who have publicly denied that he is the creator of bitcoin, as reported by CryptoNews.

In January this year, the Wright’s lawyers notified numerous organizations, including Square, the creator of COPA, that the businessman would “enforce his rights to the White Paper” and that they should remove the document from the company’s website.

Although several organizations responded to legal pressure and removed the Bitcoin white paper from their websites, as we reported in this medium, Wright’s legal campaign caused the opposite effect and the document that testifies to the creation of Bitcoin began to be massively hosted by companies inside and outside the bitcoiner community, and even government agencies from various countries.

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