Hope Is the Most Powerful Ingredient

There is no easy way of putting it: 2020 has challenged the most optimistic among us.
And yet, as we slide into the holiday season, it’s almost natural that we look for signs of hope anywhere we can. Hope is an essential nutrient for our cells, for our soul.
Hope is also an essential aspect of beauty and what beauty and its rituals offer each of us. It can be something so simple: the satisfaction of applying a deep conditioning hair mask and actually letting it sit undisturbed for the recommended 10 minutes. It could be that moment after smoothing on a serum and studying our face in the mirror when we envision something brighter, even if that brighter thing is simply the surface area of our cheekbones. These small acts of low-key productivity might be the boost we need to approach the day with a bit more optimism. Tiny? Yes. But it’s something. It’s a start.
In beauty, as in everything, there’s false hope and magical thinking, and sometimes those can get you through a rough patch. But at Dermstore, we prefer to anchor hope in actual, proven, scientifically-vetted reality. We offer professional, expert skin, hair and body products with legitimate ingredients that make an actual difference in the way you look and feel. We select the finest, most effective, award-winning products so you don’t have to wonder or doubt or do hours of homework to assess them on your own.
We have confidence in every product we offer; our aim is to pass that confidence on to you. Hope for a brighter future. Hope fulfilled.
The post Hope Is the Most Powerful Ingredient first appeared on Dermstore Blog.